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Product Photography


GT Shoe Designs

At Gokhan Talay Shoe Designs, I managed product photography, retouching, and photo editing tasks, along with designing visuals for the company's online presence - its website and social media platforms.

Collaborating closely with the Marketing Team, I contributed to campaign ideation and digital content. Additionally, some of the photographs have been featured in Cosmopolitan. (2018)


Tools: DSLR Camera, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop

Photos for Cosmopolitan
Photos for Cosmopolitan
gt dhoed.png

Casa & Flores

Casa & Flores provides customised natural floral bridal accessories and jewellery.

 This project included photography, editing, and designing visuals tailored specifically for the brand's Instagram presence. Working closely with the owner herself in order to achieve brand's visual language and aesthetics. (2021)


Tools: DSLR Camera, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom

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